Episode 82 - Car Bomb is Mentally Sinister
This episode is brought to you by Orcish toothpaste.
We have Chris, Jesse, Deepak, and Kieran. Enjoy.
We'll talk about whatever happens to cross our minds this week. Pop Culture, movies, TV shows, games. We'll disagree about almost everything, especially music. This is the Car Bomb Podcast.
This episode is brought to you by Orcish toothpaste.
We have Chris, Jesse, Deepak, and Kieran. Enjoy.
Went a bit long again, we can't help ourselves. Chris, Jesse, Matt, and Kieran here today.
Today we have Jesse, Chris, and Matt.
This episode is brought to you by Styrofoam airplanes and little plastic parachute men.
Late New Years Day episode. Jesse made some bad decisions last night. Happy New Year everyone!
So the spoiler alert obviously applies mostly to Episode VII - The Force Awakens, but, if you haven't seen any other Star Wars movie you should still avoid the spoilers in this episode.
Can you believe that Darth Vader was Luke's father the whole time?
Shorter Episode today. We have Chris, Jesse, Josh, and Dave Kopp from Kelowna Comedy trying to bribe our listeners.
Join us as we arbitrarily celebrate episode 75 for some reason.
Is anyone else craving watermelon?
This week we have Colton from What's out there Podcast, and since Jesse isn't here today we have the return of Bizarro-Jesse. Also, Jonathan is here.
The important thing to take away from all of this is that Jesse is wrong.
We have Jesse, Chris, Kieran, and Meat Scientist Matt.
This one is like the older episodes. We just have three people, sitting on the floor, and the noisy couch even makes an appearance.
This week Jesse and Chris are joined by Josh Ashton again and a new guest and fellow Comedian Kyle Patan. Neither of them are good at promoting themselves.
Deepak, Kieran, Chris, and Jesse are extra immature. What did you expect? It's episode 69.
Join us this week as Jesse, Chris, Matt, Deepak, and Kieran all forget how to talk. Some of us worse than others.
Don't forget to check out our Extra Life Page and donate to BC Children's hospital
The ball sack dyes blue with pen marks and the man ate ten-thousand burritos in a shithole.
Paradise lost was written somewhere south of the border.
Rectum and Sphincter can do nothing except stop poo from last Wednesday evening during his erection.
Sophie lived under the bridge.
Tuesday turquoise is alliteration.
Vas-deferens sometimes equates to a Egoraptor.
Smother children.
Today Comedian Josh Ashton joins us once again to make us laugh, and resident historian Kieran is here to teach us about white people.
Abandoned by Matt, we try to hold on as best we can. You'll just have to suffer through it.
Chris, Jesse, Kieran, and Deepak today, Enjoy!
This week, Matt, Chris, and Jesse are joined by local comedian Rachel Wahwah. Finally, a girl on here. Thanks to her keen observation skills we all learn a little bit about ourselves.