In an interesting turn of events, nobody got ridiculously drunk this episode, weird.
This episode we have Jesse dying, Chris being crazy, Matt being shiny, and Kieran educating us.
Don't forget to visit our Extra Life page and please consider donating. For the kids.
Well, we didn't learn anything from last week. And by we I mean Chris. This episode is brought to you by Tanqueray.
This was almost a classic "everybody bailed" episode. We lost Paul, Brent, and Kieran (they will be missed) before Jonathan joined us at the last minute and... Well, you'll see.
So, 60 episodes, that's the magic number where we just completely run dry on topics and start recycling old stuff. We're officially old and senile everyone!
Today's episode features Kieran Stevens, Jesse Nelson, Matt Spohr, and Chris Truscott-Brown.
It's not a province Jesse. Close, but no banana. Today we have Chris, Jesse, and Matt discuss Chris' weird, arbitrary and fickle taste in movies and TV
Well, it took nearly 60 episodes but we've finally shed the dead weight; by which I mean, Jesse just completely bailed and didn't show up. It's like extra life all over again. Big thanks to our guests who actually bothered to show up, Comedians Erich Dachwitz and Josh Ashton. Find more from them (and others) here.
Ignore the fact that Chris is the only one married... We have Chris, Jesse, Matt, and Kieran.
We're proud to welcome back the real pride of Nova Scotia, Mr. Kieran Stevens! I guess we're sort of proud to have Matt here too.
This week we have Chris, Jesse, Matt, and the triumphant return, one week too late for our one year anniversary, of Joe. We're sorry.
Wow. One entire year of this shit. Welcome to Car Bomb's one year anniversary. We couldn't really recap our year without once again spending far too much time on Breaking Bad, Supernatural, and Doctor Who. We also just wouldn't be Car Bomb if we'd actually managed to stay on topic. Thanks for a great year guys!
To be honest, it's mostly Jesse who sucks at being Canadian. Join us as we celebrate an oddly Irish sounding Canada day and stick around for an interview with Nick Cooney, Assistant Manager of E-Exit Kelowna.
If ever there's an episode to not listen to... This one goes some dark places for which I take no responsibility.
I'm of course referring to when someone mentions the movie "pixels"
Way back in Episode 10 in fact but, you probably shouldn't go back and listen. Seriously, don't.
This episode brought to you by Bud Light Lime-a-Rita (that's a throwback to episode 10 but still, don't listen. Honestly.)
This is simultaneously the most chaotic and random we've been while being the most focused, on track, and sticking to the plan we've been. The secret is just planning for chaos.
Today we have Matt getting revenge, Jesse getting denied ice capps, Brent getting scared of a snake, and Chris getting drunk.
Chris, Jesse and Matt don't know how to open a show.
I had to censor Matt a lot, just to keep things appropriate.
Chris, Jesse and Matt today, here to mourn the loss of a loved one (but not really)
For some reason, though I didn't notice till listening back, all three of us are slurring our words rather badly. We're not even that drunk.
Brace yourself for WAY too much time spent discussing Dark Souls, hilarity does not ensue.
Apparently he's 44.
We're trying something a bit different here. Since we are always so bad at avoiding spoilers we just decided to record a special mini episode with Kieran and Matt where we open the floodgates, and completely dissect specifically Age of Ultron, but also the Marvel cinematic universe as a whole. This is likely something we will do more often so these things don't take over a whole episode and so people can skip things they don't want spoiled. This will not take the place of the regular episode which I will post as usual. Enjoy!
Shut up. It's a real place.
Just a short late night episode this week with Jesse and I. Tired hilarity ensues.