Chris and Jesse are very excited to welcome back Kim Foreman-Rhindress of Kelowna Voice Lab and her husband Jim. Once again we talk for hours for yet another extra long episode.
Join Jesse, Chris, And Matt for another really long episode to make up for last week. See what a difference beer makes?
Check out the Extra Life Team Page and click Roster to choose a team member to donate on behalf of. Join us on Game day on November 5th at
Welcome to Episode 116 (since we forget to tell you). We have a very tired Matt, Jesse, and Chris. Enjoy!
Don't forget to check out our Extra Life Page and donate any amount you can spare for a really good cause. Click the team roster and choose one of our team members to donate on their behalf.
Welcome to Episode 115. We have Chris, Matt, Deepak, and Jesse for a little bit but he has to leave to go film * ****** ******* **** *****. Enjoy!
Don't forget to check out Extra Life Charity again this year and click here to donate towards your favorite team member's goal. It's all for charity. Make sure to join us on game day on November 5th 2016 at
Chris, Jesse, and Matt here today. Bein' all offensive and stuff. Enjoy!
Jesse is finally back from the film project he can't say anything about and clearly missed podcasting. Welcome to the longest episode to date!
A personal note from Chris: I apologize for the audio glitch at the start. I tried to "give it a second" to avoid that exact thing happening but, well, you'll see.
Don't worry, the title is far more disturbing than you realize. Join Chris, Josh and Matt as we once again discuss random bullshit, Have a barely coherent phone call in broken English, and hear Josh do a really weird amount of sound effects.
Another chaotic episode this week. Chris is joined by Josh Ashton and Andrew Crone (who actually showed up this time)
Ignore the random noises of them being bad at microphones and enjoy!
Well... After two years and over 100 episodes in a row it was bound to happen eventually. Join us for a short tale of woe and a trip down memory lane.
Welcome to Episode 1 of Kieranbomb Kierancast. Obviously your host Kieran is here along with Mott and Crease.
This is Kieran's last episode for a while so don't miss it. We'll miss you buddy!
For those local to Kelowna don't forget to check out Deepak's band on Sunday July 31st 2016 at Fernando's pub at 9pm.
Today we have Jesse, Chris, and Matt today with a few surprising guest appearances as well.
Apologies for the audio quality here I'll fix it by next episode. The mic levels were all messed up because of another project which relates directly to this picture I promised...
A preview of things to come
This week we have Chris, Jesse, and special guest Kelby who is here to talk about (among other things) her upcoming film project to be shot right here in the beautiful Okanagan. Check out Valley Pictures on Indiegogo and donate if you can.
Hard to believe this has already been going on for two years. To celebrate we brought everyone on: Jesse, Matt, Deepak, Kieran, and a Twitty little bitch.
We'd like to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone involved so far. Whether you've been listening a while, or this is your first episode, and to everyone who's been on the podcast so far.
This is fun. Let's keep going.
We Have Jesse, Matt, Chris, Kieran, and Beer. You'll hear more from Beer than anyone else.
With Game of Thrones season 6 having just wrapped up we dive into spoilery discussion that we felt was best separated into it's own episode. Obviously full of spoilers... It's in the title.
Today we have Kieran, Matt, Chris, and Jesse. Enjoy!
Longer episode today with a guest appearance from Australia. Apologies for the poor audio quality during the Skype call
Due to everyone being sick or busy Chris had to f̶l̶y̶ float solo this episode. Luckily He's joined by Dustin Erickson of The Kelowna Floatspace, because who wants to hear Chris talk for an hour?