We'll talk about whatever happens to cross our minds this week.  Pop Culture, movies, TV shows, games.  We'll disagree about almost everything, especially music.  This is the Car Bomb Podcast.

Car Bomb XIII-2 Lightning Returns

The title is a reference to Final Fantasy and it's unnecessary sequels.  We'll just crank out a couple more 13's then release a Car Bomb MMORPG that nobody plays.  Kinda makes you appreciate Episodes 6, 7, and 8 right?

 Joking aside, We finally got guest!  Joe sits in with us and helps us reach the longest episode yet, and the most gaming heavy (which is where Final Fantasy comes in)

Joe mentions where Jesse works by accident and Jesse mentions where I work on purpose (he's an ass) causing more tedious editing.  I deserve it I suppose.

Episode 13 - Car Bomb Doesn't Know What To Do With All This Ice Cream

Welcome to Episode 13, the first episode of Car Bomb Podcast with no Car Bombs.  Joe bailed on us so we are once again without guest.  Left to our own devices we talk about Batman for an hour, specifically episode 1 and 2 of Gotham, so it's rather spoiler heavy.  Chris dresses in Drag, Jesse goes to Dairy Queen and we forget to introduce ourselves till the very end.  Enjoy.

Episode 12 - Car Bomb Goes Through The Looking Glass

We don't spend a ton of time on Alice, but I do spend almost the entire episode trying to explain how Lewis Carroll coined not the word, but the current usage, of the word "Portmanteau" (which I've apparently been saying wrong my whole life).  We do go Inception-levels deep into tangents upon tangents in this episode, including topics like, a Mock Turtle, a real turtles dick, and a dick that looks like a turtle.  Jesse forgets to not mention the cars he drives at work (which causes me extra work censoring him) and, we learn not to fuck with a Chris.

Let's Play: Outlast (aka, Car Bomb Wastes the Batteries)

No episode #10 this week, instead we live streamed & recorded five hours of us playing Outlast. Watch as we see: A fucking wizard, male genetalia, dismemberment, Shrek, Dr. Deadpool, Voldo, darkness, the inside of lockers & more!  #2spooky

We also tried out Fibbage, a new game set around lying your ass off, however we couldn't get a group together. You can check that out here.

Episode 8 - Car Bomb Can't Math

Yeah, I'm naming this episode after a really small section of this episode but, seriously.  Listening back after we recorded I actually cringed to hear myself confidently state that half of 72 is 46, then have Jesse agree without even thinking about it, then keep mentioning 46 again.


On another note, this gets nerdy eventually but it starts out being the grossest episode to date and by far.  Enjoy! 

Episode 7 - Car Bomb Gets Heavy

Jesse talks a LOT about the Heavy Metal festival he recently attended.  It's also by far our longest episode which I guess is bandwidth heavy?  Ok that's a stretch.  We talk a bit about the recent suicide of Robin Williams which is a heavy subject, and we also went back in time and accidentally ruined our parents' first meeting, putting our future selves in jeopardy.  That's heavy, Doc!

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Episode 6 - Car Bomb Spoils Everything

I exaggerate slightly (as per usual) it's not that bad.  We did however record the very next day after seeing Guardians of the Galaxy and despite our best efforts still manage to stray into spoiler territory.  I'm going to blame Jesse.


We also reveal ignorance about the timelines in Lord of the Rings and Jesse reveals WAY too much knowledge about Eragon.


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